Volkswagen Golf (2011)
Akun vaihto. Vanha käyttöiän päässä
Moottoriöljyn ja öljynsuodattimen vaihto.
Tesla Model 3 (2016)
Olen Tesla Model S -auton omistaja, ja minulla on ilmennyt vikakoodi BMS_u031, mikä viittaa akun sulakkeen vaihtotarpeeseen. Olisin kiinnostunut saamaan kustannusarvion sulakkeen vaihdosta sekä mahdollisen korjausaikataulun.
Haluaisin kilpailuttaa korjaustyönne hintaa Teslan omasta huoltoverkostosta saatavan tarjouksen kanssa.
Toyota Corolla (2002)
Määräaikaishuolto valmistajan huolto-ohjeiden mukaan.
-Auton kilometrilukema: 150000km;
-Edellinen huolto:
Akun kunto tarkastus
Mercedes-Benz CLS (2011)
last winter I had a lot of problems with the car battery so I had to use jumper cables several times when it was cold during the night but then I was away for 13 days and came back the car didn't want to start then I started with jumper cables it showed the car battery the light red and something with start back up battery change both in the motor but now the car shows lots of error codes and some things don't work
last winter I had a lot of problems with the car battery so I had to use jumper cables several times when it was cold during the night but then I was away for 13 days and came back the car didn't want to start then I started with jumper cables it showed the car battery the light red and something with start back up battery change both in the motor but now the car shows lots of error codes and some things don't work